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Can Mental Health Care Violate Human Rights?

In December, the World Health Organization brought attention to the rights of mental health patients on Human Rights Day, 2013.

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Key Changes to the DSM-5

With over ten years of research and the work of thousands of psychiatrists, the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has finally been completed. The publishing of this manual has been met with praise and criticism. Produced by the American Psychiatric…

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Mental Illness and the DSM-5: New Edition, Old Controversies

When is sadness depression? Is obsessive compulsive disorder just another term for excessive cleanliness and good organizational skills? Can a child's temper tantrum ever be classified as a mental disorder? The answers to these questions are as enigmatic as the field of mental illness itself: sometimes, maybe, and depends on who you ask. For a mental health clinician, however, there is…

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