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Domestic Violence Screening: A Preventative Health Service or No Use at All?

Plenty of health care advocates agree that doctors should ask patients if they are being abused at home; however, a new study from the BMJ shows such screening might have little effect on reducing domestic violence.

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West Africa’s Ebola Epidemic Worsens, Despite Efforts From Doctors

As the Ebola epidemic in West Africa worsens, international health care workers struggle to overcome cultural beliefs increasing the spread of the deadly virus.

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The Ongoing Health Crisis in Afghanistan

A new report from Doctors Without Borders argues that positive rhetoric about health care in Afghanistan masks a growing state of serious medical need.

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UK Health Care Moves into 21st Century with Full Seven Day Week Care

UK hospitals are to address poor weekend care for patients by changing consultants working contracts.

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NHS Hospitals Making Patients Fat? Fear over the Amount of Junk Food Available

References to food served at UK hospitals are rarely kind, whether it be general complaints about overcooked, bland meals; news about budgets for hospital meals being squeezed further, or the reports from earlier this year which claimed that hospitals were supplied with meals and meat containing traces of horsemeat.

Last week, another hospital food related story gained…

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Allergy Attack: UK Doctors Warn about Serious Skin Allergy Outbreak

This time of year is always peak period for allergies in UK, but doctors are warning the British population about a different skin allergy epidemic which is caused by preservatives found in household cosmetic products.

With high pollen counts and warm dry weather, it is hardly surprising that doctors are making announcements warning the population about outbreaks of allergies which…

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Under Pressure: UK Doctors Claim Stress Levels Too High to Offer Quality Care

A survey published last week in the UK has drawn attention to the stress and pressure that General Practitioners across the country face just to perform their weekly tasks: 49% of GPs state that the level of care they provide to patients is compromised as a result.

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Syria and Jordan: A Crisis of War, A Crisis of Health

The Syrian uprisings are an excellent example of how the political can become personal. What started as a series of protests about displeasure with the government quickly devolved into civil war, with families forced to give up their jobs and homes in order to find safety.…

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A Greek Tragedy: The Healthcare Service in Greece

The Greek national debt is never very far from the headlines, with reports of officials fiddling budget figures, youths rioting in the streets and what seems like a endless increase in the number of unemployed. While all this all seems like a shocking and unacceptable situation for a member of the European Union, a recently published

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Paper Weight: The Growing Dissatisfaction of American Primary Care Physicians

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