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Untangling New Treatment for Cancer

Research calls for more intelligent approaches to search for a cure for cancer, one which focuses on the different characteristics of specific cancers, and which considers how cancer develops differently depending on the individual patient.

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Scientists Measure Brain Development in a Lab-Grown Mini Brain

Neurologists push brain development research to another level after creating and successfully growing a human brain in a laboratory.

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Getting Down to the Basics Of Cancer Research

New research is throwing a clearer light onto some of the processes that bring about specific cancers via investigations into the basic building blocks - our cell and genes. This is allowing scientists to discover exactly how smoking or exposure to ultraviolet light can lead to cancer and also confirm if a particular environmental hazard has been the cause of a specific cancer.

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Fighting Cancer with HIV

What does two pounds look like? Two pounds is a large chocolate cake. Two pounds is a 10-week-old kitten. Two pounds is eight sticks of butter. Two pounds is a substantial amount, so it's no surprise that the international medical community takes note when researchers announce they've found a method to kill two pounds of cancer cells - by injecting the…

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Leaps and Bounds: Progress in Stem Cell Research

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