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The Global Health Care Sector Outlook: Part 2

A recent report outlines global expectations for the medical sectors in countries such as Mexico, Germany, India and more.

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The Global Health Care Sector Outlook: Part 1

A new report shines light on the challenges and changes that health care sectors may see in 2014 all across the globe.

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The World’s Ongoing Struggle With Vector-Borne Disease

On World Health Day 2014, WHO highlights the issue of illnesses spread by insects.

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Thieves May Use Heartbleed to Attack Hospitals

The technology bug that lets users bypass internet security systems, Heartbleed could affect the health care industry by accessing sensitive patient data.

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Ongoing Confusion over Foreigners' Inclusion in China's Social Security System

There continues to be continued uncertainty over whether, as well as how, China is going to include foreign workers in the nation's social security scheme, with only 3 cities so far, including the nation's capital, having committed themselves to registering and taxing foreign employees. The inclusion of foreigners in China's social security taxation structure is part of

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Legal Conundrum: AIG Insurance Covers Goldman Sachs Executives

Directors and Officers of embattled Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GSG) have liability cover provided by American International Group Inc. (AIG). AIG in turn is considering to sue GSG for the roughly US$2 billion (EUR 1.47 billion) in losses incurred whilst holding guarantees to Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDO) issued by GSG.

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