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News Roundup: European Interest Rates, Natural Catastrophes and Piracy

Low interest rates "an enormous stress"

The current European economic climate, created by efforts to try to stimulate economic growth and rescue an ailing banking sector, is placing the insurance industry under "enormous stress". This according to Nikolaus von Bomhard, Chief Executive of Munich Re, one of the world's largest investors with a portfolio of more than €200 billion (US$245…

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Allianz optimistic about 2012 development

The Allianz Group has a rich history dating back to 1890 and prides itself on being able to offer solutions in insurance, banking and asset management areas. Insurance wise, Allianz thrives in Europe and has especially excelled itself in the German market. 2012 has started off in a positive direction for the company and CEO Michael Diekmann sees this trend continuing for the rest of the year. On May…

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