The Price of Private Care in Ireland
As Ireland considers how to encourage younger people to join the private insurance marketplace, the nation’s two-tier public and private medical system receives national scrutiny.
As Ireland considers how to encourage younger people to join the private insurance marketplace, the nation’s two-tier public and private medical system receives national scrutiny.
Last week marked a famous milestone in the history of social medicine in Ireland, as parliament passed a bill to allow women to have an abortion if and only when a woman's life is under threat or if she is suicidal. Despite the very tough restrictions on those who qualify to be able to have an abortion, this small development is considered to be a big step forward for Ireland, which until…
Warnings have been appearing on cigarette packaging for over 40 years, and over the last decades they have evolved to become bigger, bolder, more hard hitting. These days, 40 countries worldwide now legally require large, graphic images on the front of cigarette packs; these depictions of the effects of smoking often include shocking images of diseased people or diseased body parts.
RSA Insurance Group plc (RSA) has recently announced it has acquired 123 Money Limited (, a leading direct distributor of personal insurance products in Ireland, with around 170,000 policyholders. generated almost EUR 60 million (GBP 50 million) in the fiscal year that ended on 31 March 2010. With this acquisition, RSA will become the second largest general insurer in Ireland.
Issuing of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will no longer be the responsibility of the state of residence of a person linked to the Social Security System of an EU Member State. This change in the European Law becomes effective on 01 May 2010.