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IPOs Heating Up Indian Insurance Industry

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) announced that will soon allow private insurance companies to put forth their initial public offerings (IPOs), and raise funds through the stock market to further fund their individual expansion plans. Speaking at the 14th Annual Conference on Insurance, 'India Insurance: Turning 10, Going on 20', IRDA Chairman Mr J. Hari Narayan stated…

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India to Introduce Portability for Health Insurance Policies

From July 1st 2011, health insurance policy holders in India will be able to change insurance providers, without the fear of losing their benefits from their previous policy. With the new initiative issued by the IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority), industry leaders in India predict an increase in competition among health insurance providers, as policy-holders will be afforded greater…

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New Insurance Regulatory Body Upcoming in Hong Kong

Given that the current self-regulatory regime is not up to international standards, the Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau of Hong Kong is proposing to establish an independent insurance authority to increase the strength of regulation of the industry.

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CIRC to Ease Limits on Investments of Insurers in China

The China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) appears to be on the latest stages of discussions to ease the restrictions on some types of investments made by insurance companies in China. The proportion of the capital from insurance companies invested in the stock market will be increased to a 25 percent from the current 20 percent limit.

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