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India to Become a Leading Insurance Market by 2020

The Indian insurance industry will continue to outpace the country's economic growth and is projected to reach US$ 350 to 400 billion in premium income by 2020. These figures will put India amongst the top three life insurance and top fifteen non-life markets in the world within the next nine years, according to a new report. At present, the insurance sector in India comprises of 23 different life…

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FICCI Releases Report Aiming to Improve Healthcare through Insurance

The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) has released the results of the developmental framework to provide high quality healthcare through insurance in a document titled "Health Insurance Report, 2010". Among the recommendations to give a boost to the health insurance sector, the report highlights the need for creating consumer awareness and satisfaction, quality healthcare delivery, improved insurance services, and an increased level of trust between insurers and healthcare providers.

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