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Traveler and Expat Insurance News in Europe

In many ways, Europe is more connected than ever: most countries use the same currency, visa-free travel is a breeze, and the presence of the European Union means that legislative decisions are made as a collective. However, when it comes to health care and insurance, every country maintains its own system. Indeed, a slew of recent news stories have served as an important reminder for…

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Delays in Solvency II Create Ongoing Uncertainty

A vote planned for October by EU lawmakers will most probably be postponed following the failure to reach an agreement on a final draft of the strict new set of rules proposed for regulating the insurance industry, known as Solvency II. EU officials and lawmakers failed to come to an agreement before the beginning of the European Parliament's annual summer break, and will now have to try and…

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European Insurers Support Solvency II Delay

Aon Benfield, global reinsurance intermediary and capital advisor for Aon Corp., has released figures from a survey it conducted at its International Analytics conference that reveal 60 percent of all European insurers believe 2014 would be a better starting date for Solvency II. Europe's foremost insurance underwriters, reinsurance managers and senior analytics experts have expressed doubt that EU regulators are ready to implement the new capital regime.

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European Health Insurance Card sees Changes

Issuing of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) will no longer be the responsibility of the state of residence of a person linked to the Social Security System of an EU Member State. This change in the European Law becomes effective on 01 May 2010.

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More Than 180 Million Customers Served: The European Health Insurance Card

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