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Bird Flu Cases Increase As Chinese New Year Approaches

Health authorities worry that travel and food preparations for the Lunar New Year will cause cases of H7N9 to grow

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New 'Lethal' Bird Flu Strain Concerns Health Officials

Officials from the World Health Organization warn that the new H7N9 strain of the bird flu virus that has emerged over the last month in China is one of the deadliest flu viruses so far, due to its ability to jump more easily from birds to humans than the last strain, H5N1, that wreaked havoc in 2003.

Since this new H7N9…

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The New Avian Influenza

The most recent reports from China confirm that over 60 people have been diagnosed with bird flu, and 13 have died. So far, there are no cases of the disease being passed from one human to another - all of those people infected contracted the disease directly…

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Genetic Changes Could Pose More Problems: The Global Flu Situation

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