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AXA PPP International Continues Asia Expansion

After having established a dedicated health insurance operation in Asia, AXA PPP International is now in the process of revamping its distribution network to increase their capabilities in the region. Teaming up with AXA Asia General Insurance (AGI), their partnership aims to increase the volume of business for both life and general insurance in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Hong Kong and China, places where AXA has already established a presence.

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Southern China Business Expansion for Manulife-Sinochem

Aiming to further expand their business operations in Guandong province, Manulife-Sinochem has recently announced the opening of a sub-branch in Shantou. Manulife-Sinochem is a life insurance joint venture between the Canadian life insurer Manulife and the China Foreign Economy and Trade Trust Company, a member of the Sinochem group.

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Allianz Reshuffling Regional CEOs

Allianz Group is set to move regional CEOs around the world, reorganizing the upper management due to the departure of Massimo Michaud, the previous Chief Executive Officer of Allianz Italia S.p.A. The vacancy at the top of Allianz Italia will be filled by George Sartorel, who is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Allianz Turkey. Sartorel will be succeeded in Turkey by Mr. Alexander Ankel,…

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Elderly Britons Urged To Get Medical Cover When Abroad

The Foreign Office is encouraging elderly Britons who go abroad to ensure they have full medical cover. A report released in July 2010 found many elderly British holidaymakers traveling abroad lacked adequate medical cover or had no cover at all. The British Behaviour Abroad report - complied by global foreign office staff - analyzed insurance taken by British travelers during the period between April…

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New International Coverages Offered by OneBeacon Insurance

OneBeacon Insurance Group has recently added new areas of coverage to expand its international capabilities with two insurance products; International Kidnap and Ransom, and International Business Travel Accident. OneBeacon Insurance Group, Ltd. is a Bermuda-based holding company, listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

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Direct Irish Insurer Acquired by RSA

RSA Insurance Group plc (RSA) has recently announced it has acquired 123 Money Limited (, a leading direct distributor of personal insurance products in Ireland, with around 170,000 policyholders. generated almost EUR 60 million (GBP 50 million) in the fiscal year that ended on 31 March 2010. With this acquisition, RSA will become the second largest general insurer in Ireland.

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MetLife Selling More Equity than Originally Planned for Alico Deal

American Insurer, MetLife Inc., will have to raise the amount of equity it is selling to finance its purchase of AIG's international insurance subsidiary, American Life Insurance Company (Alico), which it announced in March. The sale…

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Health Plan Options Expanded in the Middle East by Aetna

Aetna Global Benefits (AGB), the international business segment of Aetna, has recently introduced a new choice in health benefits plans to companies operating across the Middle East. The aim is to provide additional flexibility in cover and affordability, whilst retaining the high-quality and benefits options of the original plan.

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Medical Tourism - The Growing Trend Continues

The growing demand for private healthcare in buoyant Asian markets is highlighted by the Malaysian state owed Khazanah Nasional Berhad winning the battle to acquire Singapore's Parkway Holdings, against stiff competition from Indian based Fortis Healthcare. In 2009 Fortis Healthcare estimated the Indian healthcare market to be worth US$38…

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Qatar Insurance Company to Set Up Life and Medical Insurance Subsidiary

Qatar’s largest underwriting company, Qatar Insurance Company (QIC), is getting ready to establish a new life and medical insurance subsidiary by the end of the year.

The Group President and CEO of Qatar Insurance Company (QIC) talked to reporters about the new company which appears to be in the planning phase, indicating that it will most likely be based in the Qatar Financial Center (QFC)…

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