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Common Painkillers Found to Increase the Risk of Heart Trouble

Recent findings suggest that taking high-doses of ibuprofen and diclofenac, which account for two-thirds of all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs taken in the UK each year, can increase one's risk of heart problems and heart attacks.

A study published in the journal the Lancet details an investigation of more than…

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A Helpline That May Harm: NHS 111

England's 24-hour medical information and advice service has been redesigned and rebranded since the coalition government took over in May 2010. After several years of discussions and plans, the new NHS 111 service was launched last month. Despite the Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt's, positive statements about the service being "up-and-running now in 90 percent of the country," NHS…

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Wellness Programs at Work

A non-smoker is healthier than a smoker. Chronic ailments are less likely to affect those who exercise often. Disease screening reduces disease prevalence. All of these facts are true, generally speaking - preventative health measures reduce illness and health care needs in the future, which is why starting in 2014, employers in the

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The Rise in Volunteers for Clinical Trials in the UK

The National Health Service is celebrating the recent announcement that more and more people across the UK are volunteering to participate in clinical trials. According to the statistics, nearly 650,000 people volunteered to take part in nationwide clinical trials last year - which is three times the number of volunteers just five years ago. This is very good news for the

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Key Changes to the DSM-5

With over ten years of research and the work of thousands of psychiatrists, the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) has finally been completed. The publishing of this manual has been met with praise and criticism. Produced by the American Psychiatric…

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World No Tobacco Day: A Look at Tobacco Around the Globe

On the 31st of May, 2013, countries around the globe will celebrate World No Tobacco Day. On this day, the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners call attention to the health risks of tobacco. This year, World No Tobacco Day will put a special focus on tobacco advertising; although WHO's Framework Convention for Tobacco Control bans the advertising…

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Nordic Health to Exit the International Private Medical Insurance Market

As of August 1st 2013, international private medical insurance provider Nordic Health Care will discontinue issuing new plans, marking the insurers exit from the market. Nordic, a health insurer under Europæiske Rejseforsikring's travel insurance, will also no longer be accepting plan renewals that are not contractually obligated.

Plans which are contractually obligated…

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Mental Illness and the DSM-5: New Edition, Old Controversies

When is sadness depression? Is obsessive compulsive disorder just another term for excessive cleanliness and good organizational skills? Can a child's temper tantrum ever be classified as a mental disorder? The answers to these questions are as enigmatic as the field of mental illness itself: sometimes, maybe, and depends on who you ask. For a mental health clinician, however, there is…

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Bupa International Sets Sights on China for Expansion

International health insurance giant, Bupa International, continue to focus their development in the Asia region with particular interest in the China market. There have been a number of successes and announcements recently supporting Bupa International's move and focus. One of the more recent developments involves…

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A Greek Tragedy: The Healthcare Service in Greece

The Greek national debt is never very far from the headlines, with reports of officials fiddling budget figures, youths rioting in the streets and what seems like a endless increase in the number of unemployed. While all this all seems like a shocking and unacceptable situation for a member of the European Union, a recently published

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