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The New Avian Influenza

The most recent reports from China confirm that over 60 people have been diagnosed with bird flu, and 13 have died. So far, there are no cases of the disease being passed from one human to another - all of those people infected contracted the disease directly…

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Globalsurance Clients Optimistic After Steady Premiums and Increased Benefits Released by MSH China for 2013

With the release of  MSH China's April 1st premium rate adjustments, Globalsurance is pleased to report a stable increase of 10.5% across the board of all plan options. While this increase is in line with the market average, coverage adjustments have been made to certain benefits. These adjustments should not have a large impact on plan renewability, but Gloabalsurance analysts expect that in many…

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RSA Offer Home Insurance Plan in China

RSA (Royal & Sun Alliance) have released a new Home Insurance plan in China called Private Client Insurance. Home Insurance is something that has rarely been purchased in the past in China, with local Chinese people giving it little attention or importance. It is only now becoming more recognised as an important form of insurance…

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China's Emerging Wealthy not Buying Medical Insurance as Expected

Globalsurance continues to see differing indications of the state of the health insurance industry in China. Most analysts concur that the country’s high-income earning population are not likely to buy comprehensive health insurance in the short term. Many of the health insurance companies that have invested in developing on-shore solutions for health…

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Globalsurance impressed by Now Health's latest developments across the Middle East and China

In what began as a careful partnership, Globalsurance is working even more closely with Now Health, as the young health insurance company has shown promise, especially in regard to its strong organization, service and claims capabilities. Now Health, which was only launched last year, is the creation of a management team comprised of former Good Health employees, including Martin Garcia, who served…

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Compliance in International Private Medical Insurance Gathers Pace

In a move that has caught agents and brokers off guard, Nordic Healthcare, a provider of international health insurance, has announced that it will cease sales of new individual policies in all but its core markets.  This means that, with immediate effect, Nordic will no longer be issuing new IPMI policies anywhere in the world except Europe, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand and Vietnam. The announcement…

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Bupa Launches New Private Medical Insurance Product in China

Globalsurance has learnt that Bupa is launching a new product for the Chinese market. Bupa has teamed up with China based Alltrust Insurance Company to provide Bupa Premier Worldwide Health Options (PHWO), which becomes available from the 1st of October. PWHO is unique in that it will consider covering pre-existing medical conditions, a first for international private medical insurance plans…

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Chinese Healthcare - The Molehill Really is a Mountain

China announced last week that they plan to increase healthcare spending to more than USD 1 trillion by 2020. This is a lot of money, but a closer look at the current state of public health in China and the obstacles to further improvement, will help shed some light on this announcement. We recently posted an article covering the state of China's health services, the "successfully completed"…

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Healthcare in China: The Overhaul that Underwhelmed

Published July 25, 2012

A report released on Monday by the Healthcare Reform Office in China announced that the 3 year plan to improve some of the fundamental parts of China’s healthcare system completed its objectives on schedule. The Chinese Central Government spent almost US$71 billion between 2009 and 2011 in efforts to improve healthcare services to the public, build primary care…

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Negotiations under way to regulate China's Social Insurance Law for expats

On October 15th 2011, China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security put in place new regulations which required foreign employees working in China to contribute to the country's Social Insurance System. The regulations stated that foreign employees would have to register after employment and start paying towards five types of insurance policies, including basic pension insurance,…

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