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Takeover bid of AXA Asia Pacific blocked by Australian Regulator

The takeover bid for AXA Asia Pacific Holdings Ltd. (AAP) by the National Australia Bank (NAB) and the French insurance company AXA SA (AXA) has been blocked by the competition watchdog of Australia, citing the lessening of competition effect it would have on the domestic retail investment arena.

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AXA Cooperative Insurance Company given Saudi Arabian business license

The Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) has licensed AXA Cooperative insurance Company to carry out its cooperative insurance and reinsurance business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (license number TMN/25/20101). AXA Cooperative Insurance Company, a Saudi joint stock company, will be AXA Group's first Cooperative insurance company…

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British MP's report says Homeopathy should not be funded by NHS

British parliament's science and technology committee, headed up by chairman Phil Willis, has finished a new report on National Health Service funding for homeopathic treatments and come to the conclusion that the funding should stop. The committee of MPs said that since there is no evidence that homeopathic treatments work better than a placebo,…

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