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Cancelled Coverage, Better Care?

As some Americans face the cancellation of their current insurance policies, lawmakers and consumers ponder the benefits and challenges of the Affordable Care Act’s minimum coverage requirements.

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U.S. Lawmakers Call for Kathleen Sebelius to Resign

U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius is facing criticism due to technical glitches in the rollout of online insurance exchanges.

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Successes and Failures in the First Week of Online Exchanges

In their first days of operation, U.S. health insurance exchanges see satisfied customers, technical glitches, and a government shutdown.

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The Final Days: Concerns and Excitement About Obamacare

With Obamacare state exchanges opening in less than a week, the law’s benefits and flaws are coming under a huge amount of media scrutiny.

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Informing Patients About Care Via the American Medical Association

Recent work from the American Medical Association aims to enroll patients in online insurance marketplaces, while opposing the Independent Payment Advisory Board.

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States Get Creative to Inform Residents About New Insurance Marketplaces

On October 1st, every state in the U.S. will open an online health insurance marketplace. For states that have opted to run their own insurance exchange (rather than letting the federal government set it up), the challenge now is informing residents about how to use these new marketplaces. Americans who already have insurance probably don't need to know the ins and outs of online exchanges,…

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Will Autism Be Covered Under Obamacare?

Autism is a well known disorder without any known cure. Affecting neural development, autism is usually diagnosed in early childhood, when toddlers with the disorder display impaired skills in social and verbal interaction. The good news is that although there is no cure, many people with autism are able to cope thanks to therapy and sometimes medication. The bad news, however, is that…

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More Americans Seek Medical Tourism Options Abroad

Medical care in the United States is expensive. The International Federation of Health Plans reports that in 2010, the United States' health spending as percent of GDP was a whopping 17.6 percent - this compared to 11.4 percent in Canada, 10.1 percent in New Zealand and 9.6 percent in the United Kingdom. And health expenditures are only expected to grow; this thanks to expensive technology…

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Postponing Obamacare Into Oblivion

It's no secret that Republican politicians don't like Obamacare. Thus far, the Affordable Care Act - passed in 2010 - has survived congressional gridlocks, state refusals to expand Medicaid coverage, and a constitutional case in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. This week, the U.S. House of Representatives is voting on yet another bill created to slow the…

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Delaying Workplace Coverage Requirements

Up to this point, most policies of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have been implemented according to their scheduled timeline - in 2010, existing insurance plans had…

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