The Young Invincibles
The New York Times is running an interesting story on young under-insured Americans during the current economic crisis. Regulars to this blog will be aware that this is a favorite topic of ours, and really only serves to illustrate that serious changes need to occur in the USA's domestic healthcare and insurance industries. From the article: "My first reaction was to start laughing -- I just kept…
AIDS in China: Highest Killing Infectious Disease in 2008
The Chinese government recently released a report which gives a better idea of the growing severity of the AIDS problem in the country. The figures from the central government's Ministry of Health show that HIV/AIDS was the leading cause of death by infectious disease last year, killing 6,897 people in the first nine months of 2008. While…
The Recession and Insurance
With news outlets broadcasting dire predictions about the financial downturn like a frothy-mouthed preacher on the apocalypse, we feel it's time to take a look at how people think the recession will affect insurance. With this in mind, we'll take a look at projections about how insurers may fare, how your premium could shape up, and other worries and notable points to keep in your head moving forward.