Zurich International Life Releases New Product in the Middle East
Posted on Sep 24, 2010 by Sergio Ulloa (G+)
Zurich International Life, based in the Middle East, has recently announced the launch of a new life insurance product called Protected Equity Plus (PEP). PEP is a single-premium, investment-linked insurance plan, which offers a guaranteed return upon maturity, even in the event of a stock market collapse in the Middle East. Some of the characteristics of PEP are that it offers access to equity markets in geographical regions specifically chosen by the Insurer, with the possibility of switching on a quarterly basis free of charge, and the ability to make withdrawals. The guaranteed return of PEP is paid upon the 10th anniversary of the investment, deducting from the total return any prior withdrawals made under the policy. For investors in the Middle East, PEP offers a rare combination of investment protection and potential for growth; which makes it appealing as a potential safety-net, in addition to providing general peace of mind and value for money on the part of the policyholder. Furthermore, the guaranteed returns are increased when the initial investment amount has grown by at least 10 percent on the 5th anniversary of the plan. The simplicity of PEP makes it easy for investors in the Middle East to invest their money and frees them from the requirements of having to constantly monitor the performance of their investment. PEP will be launched by Zurich International Life intermediaries within the next few weeks through a series of road-shows across the UAE, Bahrain and Qatar. The regional director of Zurich International Life in the Middle East, Graham Morrall, said of the Protected Equity Plus plan, "we have seen an encouraging response from our intermediaries so far and they have been particularly impressed with the simplicity of the product's structure. Our recent Zurich Community Research results showed that many of our investors are still feeling risk-averse, so we are not at all surprised by the majority of respondents' positive feedback about PEP and its guaranteed element." Insurance company mentioned: Zurich International Life Zurich International Life (ZIL) offers life assurance, investment and protection solutions throughout the world* with licensed offices in the United Arab Emirates, Hong Kong, Bahrain, Qatar, Singapore and Taiwan. As part of the Zurich Financial Services Group, ZIL can offer innovative and individual financial solutions. With tailored products and services that meet the requirements of local markets for many years, ZIL ensures to offer truly flexible and portable financial solutions. As part of one of the world's leading providers of international insurance and investment products, ZIL has a reputation for excellent performance and commitment to the customer. * Not all products are available in all regions.