FSA approves Prudential deal with AIG to acquire AIA
Posted on May 14, 2010 by Sergio Ulloa (G+)
The Financial Services Authority (FSA) of the UK have given their approval in principle for Prudential to go ahead with the US$35.5 billion (EUR 28.3 billion) deal made with American International Group (AIG) to purchase American International Assurance (AIA), according to sources familiar with the latest situation on this most audacious deal since the financial tsunami started to be felt globally. Prudential is now likely to move swiftly in pricing the planned massive rights issue within days. The FSA had last week blocked the deal at the eleventh hour on concerns over the capital base of Prudential, creating a delay in the original schedule to buy AIA. The cash component of the deal has been lowered to US$23 billion (EUR 18.3 billion) from the originally agreed amount of US$25 billion (EUR 20 billion), retaining the overall price of the deal. It is now up to the Listing Authority of the UK to approve the US$21 billion (EUR 16.8 billion) rights issue, opening the potential for further delays. AIG wishes for the best terms possible for the cash component as it would allow the insurer to repay taxpayers in the US the US$182.3 billion (EUR 145.4 billion) bailout it received from the US government. Prudential has yet to secure approval of the takeover deal by at least 75 percent of investors, with shareholders increasing the pressure to offload the UK operations instead of going ahead with the rights issue. All parties concerned wish for the best outcome and least delays possible and the stakes couldn't be higher at the moment. Insurance Companies mentioned: Prudential