Expats in Japan to comply with updated visa regulation
Posted on Feb 17, 2010 by Sergio Ulloa (G+)
As per information contained in a recent release by the Marketing arm of Aetna Global Benefits (AGB) about Regulatory News in Japan, an existing regulation will be given new emphasis by the Japanese Immigration Bureau in regards to resident visa applications by foreign nationals living in Japan. The existing requirement for Expatriates living in Japan to provide proof of current or future enrollment in the country's national health insurance system to renew or apply for a visa with validity longer than one year will become compulsory starting from the 1st of April, 2010. The Japanese Immigration Bureau made public their "Amended Guidelines for Change of Qualification of Foreign Residents and the Renewal of Visas". According to these guidelines, it will be compulsory for Expats living in Japan to show proof of insurance in Japan's national health system in order to apply for or renew their visa. Foreign nationals can continue enjoying the coverage provided by international private health insurance companies, such as the overseas coverage offered by AGB. This coverage intends to supplement, instead of being a replacement for the coverage offered by the national health insurance system. Insurance Company mentioned: