International Health Insurance Companies
As an insurance intermediary we are able to provide rates from many international insurance companies which guarantees you the best rate and coverage options. Our prices are exactly the same as the medical insurance providers so you never pay more for using us.
As one of Asia's biggest insurance intermediaries, Globalsurance works with some of the worlds best international insurance companies to provide you with the best international medical insurance policies available. As insurance advisors we work to further your interests and not those of the medical insurance providers. By working with such a large number of insurers we are able to find you the best policies at the best prices. Some of the insurers that we work with are:
- IHI-Bupa
- William Russell
- InterGlobal
- Allianz
- Aetna Global Benefits
- Blue Cross
- Expacare
- International SOS
- Aetna
- MediCare International
- Integra Global
- HealthCare International
- MultiNational Underwriters
- Henner
- Global Health
We are paid by the medical insurance providers only after you purchase a policy; you will never have to pay extra when working with us. We are not limited to working with the insurers that we have listed, and will always work to find you the plan that best fits your needs. For more information about the international insurance companies that we work with, or to receive a free quote from International Insurance Companies please contact us today.
Je pars 3 mois à l'étranger. Ai-je besoin d'une assurance spécifique ?
Pour un séjour de 3 mois, vous pouvez souscrire à une assurance-voyage, spécialement conçue pour des séjours à l’étranger ou des expatriations court-terme entre 1 et 12 mois.
Ces assurances sont très complètes, couvrant les soins médicaux d’urgence (ambulance, hospitalisation, évacuation), les soins ambulatoires (visites médicales et médicaments prescrits) ainsi que des besoins non-médicaux (responsabilité civile, assistance juridique, rapatriement ou visite de compassion...).
Elles n’en restent pas moins modulables et peuvent être adaptées à vos besoins et à la durée exacte de votre séjour.
Nous travaillons avec plusieurs sociétés offrant ce type de couverture, et je serais ravie de vous faire parvenir un devis comparatif si vous le souhaitez.