Globalsurance Anti-Spam Policy
Globalsurance opposes the sending of unsolicited e-messages and will make every effort to enforce strict Anti-Spam policies. In the context of electronic messaging, "spam" means unsolicited bulk messages or indiscriminate messages typically sent for a commercial purpose.
We have a zero-tolerance spam policy. Our messaging systems automatically scan all incoming email messages and filter out messages that appear to be spam. We may also report incoming email as spam. This can result in IP addresses and domain names being blacklisted. If you suspect that Globalsurance has been used by someone to send spam, report the activity to us at [email protected] and we will investigate the matter.
Message filtering systems are not always 100% accurate, and occasionally legitimate messages will be filtered-out. If you believe this has occurred to your message, please advise [email protected].
All changes to this anti-spam policy will be published on this Web Site.